Detail as Design Project
August 2024 to September 2024
Professors: Edward Becker and Clive Vorster
Background: Based upon our reading of Tale-the-Tale Detail, we will explore the idea of a technical detail as design inspiration and a design driver. You have now selected a precedent project from the ETH Construction book and studied its axonometric technical drawing. You have also begun researching the building and its architect.
Prompt: For this design exercise, we will focus on using an existing set of ‘design tools’ (e.g., the
materials, wall assemblies (layers), etc. from your precedent) and applying them to a different part of a building that you propose. We will study how the assemblies that you have become familiar with are applied in different architectural conditions, and in turn, what new/different architectural affects/atmospheres they create. You will be drawing a new axon of a new, hypothetical building where the architectural detailing supports the creation of architectural affect. Use your precedent as a guide to help you.